巴基斯坦官员哀悼卡里姆·阿迦汗四世王子,赞扬他的人道主义影响和领导能力。 Pakistani officials mourn Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, praising his humanitarian impact and leadership.
巴基斯坦官员对阿迦汗四世的去世表示深切哀悼,赞扬他对社会福利、教育和医疗保健的贡献。 Pakistani officials have expressed deep condolences over the death of Aga Khan IV, praising his contributions to social welfare, education, and healthcare. 作为一名精神领袖和慈善家,Aga Khan 以其在扶贫和性别平等方面的努力而闻名,对巴基斯坦及其他地区产生了重大影响。 As a spiritual leader and philanthropist, Aga Khan was known for his efforts in poverty alleviation and gender equality, leaving a significant impact on Pakistan and beyond. 他的遗产因其专注于改善弱势群体的生活和促进不同社区之间的团结而被人们铭记。 His legacy is remembered for its focus on improving the lives of the underprivileged and promoting unity among diverse communities.