阿迦汗 (Aga Khan) 是一位杰出的以斯玛伊派领袖和赛马人物,在葡萄牙去世,享年 88 岁。 The Aga Khan, a prominent Ismaili leader and horse racing figure, passed away in Portugal at 88.
88 岁的 Aga Khan 是数百万以斯玛伊派穆斯林的精神领袖和赛马界的杰出人物,他在葡萄牙去世。 The 88-year-old Aga Khan, spiritual leader of millions of Ismaili Muslims and a prominent figure in horse racing, passed away in Portugal. 他以慈善工作而闻名,为世界各地的发展项目做出了重大贡献。 Known for his philanthropic work, he contributed significantly to development projects worldwide. 在赛马方面,他以赢得著名的比赛和拥有 1983 年被绑架的著名马 Shergar 而闻名。 In horse racing, he was famous for winning prestigious races and for owning Shergar, a celebrated horse that was kidnapped in 1983. 他的遗产将因其精神领导力和对全球发展和体育的贡献而被人们铭记。 His legacy will be remembered for both his spiritual leadership and his contributions to global development and sports.