印度前总理曼莫汉·辛格 (Manmohan Singh) 以经济改革和与巴基斯坦的和平努力而闻名,享年 92 岁。 Former Indian PM Manmohan Singh, known for economic reforms and peace efforts with Pakistan, died at 92.
印度前总理曼莫汉·辛格 (Manmohan Singh) 去世,享年 92 岁,他试图改善与巴基斯坦的关系,但面临挫折,尤其是 2008 年的孟买袭击事件。 Former Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away at 92, tried to improve relations with Pakistan but faced setbacks, notably the 2008 Mumbai attacks. 辛格是一位受人尊敬的经济学家,为印度的经济改革做出了重大贡献,并改变了该国的外交政策,尤其是美国的核协议。 Singh, an esteemed economist, made significant contributions to India's economic reforms and shifted the country's foreign policy, notably with the US nuclear deal. 尽管努力促进和平,但他的任期仍面临挑战,包括腐败指控和恐怖主义事件。 Despite efforts to promote peace, his tenure was marked by challenges including corruption allegations and terrorist incidents.