俄亥俄州财务主任Robert Sprague退出州长竞选国务卿 支持Vivek Ramaswamy竞选州长 Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague exits gubernatorial race to run for Secretary of State, backing Vivek Ramaswamy for governor.
俄亥俄州财务主任罗伯特·斯普拉格于2026年放弃了州长竞选国务卿的竞选,支持共和党人维韦克·拉马斯瓦米竞选州长。 Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague has dropped his gubernatorial bid to run for Secretary of State in 2026, endorsing Republican Vivek Ramaswamy for governor. 拉马斯瓦米是一位生物技术企业家,也是 2024 年失败的总统候选人,预计将竞选州长。 Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur and failed 2024 presidential candidate, is expected to run for governor. 斯普拉格的举动为国务卿的共和党初选奠定了基础,潜在候选人包括前州参议员尼拉吉·安塔尼(Niraj Antani)、现任州参议员特蕾莎·加瓦罗内(Theresa Gavarone)和民主党候选人布莱恩·汉布利(Bryan Hambley)。 Sprague's move sets up a competitive Republican primary for Secretary of State, with potential candidates including former state senator Niraj Antani, current state senator Theresa Gavarone, and Democratic candidate Bryan Hambley.