俄亥俄州审计师Keith Faber 宣布在2026年竞选司法部长 接替Dave Yost Ohio Auditor Keith Faber announces run for attorney general in 2026, succeeding Dave Yost.
共和党俄亥俄州审计师基思·法伯于2026年宣布参选州检察长职位, 目的是成功接替任期有限的总检察长戴维·约斯特。 Republican Ohio Auditor Keith Faber has announced his candidacy for the state attorney general position in 2026, aiming to succeed term-limited Attorney General Dave Yost. Faber自2019年以来一直担任审计员,在俄亥俄州大会中具有背景,包括作为州代表、参议员和参议院议长的角色。 Faber, who has served as auditor since 2019, has a background in the Ohio General Assembly, including roles as a state representative, senator, and Senate president. 他的竞选活动突出了他为打击欺诈和支持执法所作的努力。 His campaign highlights his efforts to combat fraud and support law enforcement.