俄亥俄州国务卿弗兰克·拉罗丝 将在2026年竞选国家审计师 在超过任期限制之后 Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose will run for state auditor in 2026, after hitting term limits.
俄亥俄州国务卿弗兰克·拉罗丝计划在2026年竞选国家审计员, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose plans to run for state auditor in 2026, following term limits that prevent him from seeking another term as elections chief. 拉罗丝以前是美国参议院候选人, 是俄亥俄州5名任期有限的官员中最后一个宣布未来计划的人。 LaRose, previously a candidate for U.S. Senate, is the last of five term-limited Ohio statewide officials to declare his future plans. 俄亥俄州财务主任Robert Sprague将竞选LaRose的现任职位,总督Mike DeWine计划退休,总检察长Dave Yost则打算接替他。 Ohio Treasurer Robert Sprague will run for LaRose's current post, while Governor Mike DeWine plans to retire, and Attorney General Dave Yost aims to succeed him.