俄亥俄州州长DeWine 选择万斯的参议院替补人选 塑造了2026年的州长种族动态 Ohio Governor DeWine selects Vance's Senate replacement, shaping 2026 gubernatorial race dynamics.
俄亥俄州州长Mike DeWine正在决定由谁接替当选副总统JD Vance在参议院任职。 Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is deciding who will replace Vice President-elect JD Vance in the Senate. Vance喜欢强势的、支持MAGA的保守派,反对温和派或RINOs。 Vance prefers a strong, pro-MAGA conservative and opposes moderates or RINOs. 潜在候选人包括副总督Jon Husted、总检察长Dave Yost和前政府主席Jane Timken。 Potential candidates include Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted, Attorney General Dave Yost, and former GOP chair Jane Timken. 这一决定可能会影响2026年的州长竞选, Vance反对州参议员Matt Dolan, DeWine的密友。 The decision could influence the 2026 gubernatorial race, with Vance opposing state Senator Matt Dolan, a close friend of DeWine.