哈利法克斯澄清了DWP福利支付时间, 确保2月银行假期不会有延误. Halifax clarifies DWP benefit payment timings, ensuring no delays due to February bank holidays.
Halifax已澄清,DWP养恤金付款可在午夜至上午4时之间贷记入账户。 Halifax has clarified that DWP benefit payments can be credited to accounts between midnight and 4 a.m. 如果在此之前还没有收到付款, 客户应联系DWP. If payments aren't received by then, customers should contact the DWP. 银行还指出,2月没有银行放假,因此所有《多哈工作方案》福利和国家养恤金均应正常进行。 The bank also noted there are no February bank holidays, so all DWP benefits and state pensions should proceed normally. 4月,国家养恤金将增加4.1%,从每周221.2英镑增加到230.25英镑。 The state pension will increase by 4.1% in April, raising it from £221.20 to £230.25 per week.