英国将国家养恤金提高4.1%,但拖延和排斥影响到一些领取者。 UK to raise State Pension by 4.1%, but delays and exclusions affect some recipients.
联合王国工作和养老金部计划在3月6日宣布新的福利金率,从4月7日起,国家养老金领取者将增加4.1%,工作年龄和残疾福利金将增加1.7%。 The UK's Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) plans to announce new benefit rates on March 6th, with a 4.1% increase for State Pension recipients and a 1.7% rise for working-age and disability benefits, effective April 7th. 然而,由于拖延了四周,大多数索赔人在5月份的付款将出现变动。 However, most claimants will see the changes in their payments in May due to a four-week delay. 值得注意的是,没有互惠社会保障协议而居住在国外的大约453 000名养恤金领取者将得不到国家养恤金的提高。 Notably, about 453,000 pensioners living abroad without reciprocal social security agreements will not receive the State Pension uprating.