巴基斯坦的Gwadar面临严重的气候威胁,包括洪水和海平面上升,损害其经济。 Gwadar, Pakistan, faces severe climate threats, including flooding and rising sea levels, harming its economy.
巴基斯坦沿海城市格瓦达尔(Gwadar)居住约90 000人, 面临来自气候变化的严重威胁, 包括洪水、海平面升高、海岸侵蚀等。 The Pakistani coastal city of Gwadar, home to about 90,000 people, is facing severe threats from climate change, including flooding, rising sea levels, and coastal erosion. 这些问题,加上基础设施差,破坏了该城市的渔业和旅游业。 These issues, along with poor infrastructure, have devastated the city's fishing and tourism industries. 尽管有大量的外国投资,特别是来自中国的投资,但缺乏防止气候影响的基本保护,给该市居民带来痛苦。 Despite significant foreign investment, particularly from China, basic protections against climate impacts are lacking, causing distress for the city's residents.