巴基斯坦气温上升2.5°C导致热浪、野火、洪水和风暴;发达国家必须提供资金和可持续解决办法,支持气候抗御能力。 2.5°C temperature increase in Pakistan leads to heatwaves, wildfires, floods, and storms; developed nations must support climate resilience with funding and sustainable solutions.
巴基斯坦日益感受到气候变化的破坏性影响,专家预测,本世纪气温将升高2.5摄氏度,造成热浪、野火、洪水和风暴。 Climate change's devastating impact is increasingly felt in Pakistan, with experts predicting 2.5°C temperature increase this century, causing heatwaves, wildfires, floods, and storms. 需要有当地适应办法,并得到国际资金和投资的支持,合作对于发展中国家实现可持续经济增长和向清洁能源过渡至关重要。 Local adaptation solutions are needed, supported by international funding and investment, with collaboration crucial for developing nations to adopt sustainable economic growth and transition to clean energy. 发达国家必须通过提供资金和采取长期、可持续的解决办法,支持发展中国家的气候抗御能力。 Developed nations must support climate resilience in developing countries by providing funding and adopting long-term, sustainable solutions.