巴基斯坦融化的冰川威胁到家园和基础设施,使48 000多人面临危险。 Melting glaciers in Pakistan threaten homes and infrastructure, risking over 48,000 people.
巴基斯坦Gilgit-Baltistan地区的冰川融化正在造成严重洪水和山崩,威胁到山区村庄的家园和基础设施。 Melting glaciers in Pakistan's Gilgit-Baltistan region are causing severe floods and landslides, threatening homes and infrastructure in mountain villages. 气候变化可能导致本世纪末冰川冰块大量丧失,使48 000多人面临风险。 Climate change could lead to a significant loss of glacial ice by the end of the century, putting over 48,000 people at risk. 尽管巴基斯坦对全球排放的贡献微乎其微,但在缓解和适应这些环境变化方面仍面临重大挑战。 Despite contributing minimally to global emissions, Pakistan faces substantial challenges in mitigating and adapting to these environmental changes.