气候变化扰乱了巴基斯坦的农业,威胁到粮食安全和生计。 Climate change disrupts Pakistani agriculture, threatening food security and livelihoods.
气候变化扰乱了巴基斯坦农业,这是占人口45%的重要部门。 Climate change disrupts Pakistani agriculture, a vital sector employing 45% of the population. 严重干旱、不可预测的季风、气温上升和极端天气事件正在威胁粮食安全和农村生计。 Severe droughts, unpredictable monsoons, rising temperatures, and extreme weather events are threatening food security and rural livelihoods. 专家们敦促执行气候抗御做法和改进水管理战略,以保护巴基斯坦的农业遗产。 Experts urge implementing climate-resilient practices and improved water management strategies to preserve Pakistan's agricultural heritage.