全球研究显示,学生们认为AI工具ChatGPT有帮助,但提出了对可靠性和道德的担忧。 Global study reveals students see AI tool ChatGPT as helpful but raise concerns over reliability and ethics.
一项涉及23 000多名学生的全球研究发现,对ChatGPT的看法不一。 A global study involving over 23,000 students found mixed views on ChatGPT. 学生认为它有助于完成学术任务,但对它的可靠性和道德使用,如欺骗和隐私,表示关切。 Students see it as helpful for academic tasks but have concerns about its reliability and ethical use, such as cheating and privacy. 低收入地区的学生认为,由于资源有限,它至关重要,而富裕地区的学生则重视它的创新特点。 Students in lower-income regions view it as essential due to limited resources, while those in wealthier areas value its innovative features. 该研究的结论可以影响高等教育政策,确保公平使用AI工具。 The study's findings could shape higher education policies to ensure equitable use of AI tools.