学校在教室里测试AI聊天机,发现混合学生偏好,但引起对偏见和隐私的担忧。 Schools test AI chatbots in classrooms, finding mixed student preferences but raising concerns over biases and privacy.
正在课堂上对AI聊天室进行测试,以帮助学生完成学习任务。 AI chatbots are being tested in classrooms to help students with learning tasks. 探讨了两种风格:一种叫约翰的温暖友好聊天室,一种叫杰克的专业聊天室。 Two styles were explored: a warm, friendly chatbot named John and a professional, direct one named Jack. 学生们喜欢不同的风格, 有些人喜欢约翰的同情心, 其他人喜欢杰克的效率。 Students preferred different styles, with some liking John's empathy and others Jack's efficiency. 虽然大赦国际可以提供即时反馈,但所关注的问题包括肤浅的反应、潜在的偏见和隐私问题。 While AI can provide immediate feedback, concerns include superficial responses, potential bias, and privacy issues. 这项研究建议平衡人工智能的作用,并确保人类监督,以提高学习,而不会取代教育工作者. The study suggests balancing AI's role and ensuring human oversight to enhance learning without replacing educators.