2024 达卡抗议: 女学生要求采取行动, 2024 Dhaka protest: Female students demand action against increasing violence against women.
孟加拉国达卡的女学生于2024年10月22日提出抗议, 要求政府采取行动, Female students in Dhaka, Bangladesh, protested on October 22, 2024, demanding government action against a rise in violence against women. 尽管领导人谢赫·哈西娜在8月被赶下台后对改善安全抱有希望,但报告显示,9月暴力事件增加了25%。 Despite hopes for improved safety following the ousting of leader Sheikh Hasina in August, reports indicate a 25% increase in violence in September. 抗议者呼吁自由、平等和结束一切形式的暴力,对妇女安全方面没有变化表示失望。 The protesters called for freedom, equality, and an end to all forms of violence, expressing disappointment over the lack of change in women's security.