挪威石油公司DNO报告产量增加50%, 2024年收入增加667M美元, DNO, a Norwegian oil firm, reports a 50% rise in production and $667M in 2024 revenue, fueled by Kurdistan fields.
挪威DNO石油公司报告,2024年的收入为6.67亿美元,净产量增加50%,达到每天77 300桶石油当量,主要靠库尔德斯坦的业务驱动。 Norwegian oil company DNO reported 2024 revenues of USD 667 million, with a 50% increase in net production to 77,300 barrels of oil equivalent per day, primarily driven by Kurdistan operations. 尽管伊土输油管已经关闭,但库尔德斯坦DNO的Tawke和Peshkabir油田的产量仍上升了70%,达到78 600波普。 Despite the Iraq-Turkey pipeline's closure, production at DNO's Tawke and Peshkabir fields in Kurdistan rose 70% to 78,600 boepd. DNO计划在2025年钻4至6口北海勘探油井,以维持增长和股东分配。 DNO plans to drill four to six North Sea exploration wells in 2025, aiming to sustain growth and shareholder distributions.