挪威DNO公司在五年停产后在Trym油田重新启动石油生产。 Norwegian company DNO restarts oil production at its Trym field after a five-year shutdown.
挪威石油和天然气公司DNO在挪威北海的Trym油田重新开始生产,该油田离线已有五年。 Norwegian oil and gas company DNO has restarted production at its Trym field in the Norwegian North Sea, which was offline for five years. 该油田与丹麦的Tyra油田基础设施相连,预计每天将生产3 000桶石油当量,剩余储备估计为200万桶。 The field, tied to Denmark's Tyra field infrastructure, is expected to produce 3,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day, with remaining reserves estimated at two million barrels. DNO正在评估该地区的进一步发展和勘探,有可能延长该油田的寿命,并增加2027年的产量。 DNO is evaluating further development and exploration in the area, potentially extending the field's life and adding production from 2027.