苏格兰Kirkcaldy治安法庭故意发生火灾,导致法院撤离和关闭。 A deliberate fire at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court in Scotland led to its evacuation and closure.
苏格兰Kirkcaldy治安法庭周四清晨发生蓄意火灾,导致大楼疏散和关闭。 A deliberate fire broke out at the Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court in Scotland early Thursday morning, causing the building to be evacuated and closed. 大约凌晨4时50分发生的火灾迫使刑事案件迁移到一个附件,并远程处理或重新安排了民事案件。 The blaze, which occurred around 4:50 AM, forced the relocation of criminal cases to an annex and the remote handling or rescheduling of civil cases. 警方正在蓄意调查这一事件,至今没有逮捕任何人。 Police are investigating the incident as a deliberate act, with no arrests made yet.