在Portadown旧警察局故意放火,造成严重破坏,第二天早晨重新起火。 Fire deliberately set at old Portadown police station causes significant damage, reignites next morning.
北爱尔兰Portandown Edward街旧警察局发生蓄意火灾,造成重大破坏。 A deliberate fire at the old police station on Edward Street in Portadown, Northern Ireland, caused significant damage. 火灾于12月14日格林尼治时间午夜开始, 第二天早上重新点燃。 The blaze, which started around midnight GMT on December 14, reignited the following morning. 警察和消防部门正在现场工作,没有人员受伤的报告。 Police and fire services are working at the scene, and no injuries have been reported. 当局正在呼吁公众提供信息,并敦促人们避开这一地区。 Authorities are appealing to the public for information and urging people to avoid the area.