警方于2008年8月31日对北爱尔兰Crebilly Road的Ballymena空闲公寓纵火事件进行调查。 Police investigate arson at vacant Ballymena flat on Crebilly Road, Northern Ireland, on 31/08/24.
北爱尔兰Ballymena警方正在调查星期六晚上在Crebilly路空置公寓发生的一起纵火事件。 Police in Ballymena, Northern Ireland, are investigating an arson incident that occurred on Saturday evening at a vacant flat on Crebilly Road. 下午7时05分左右,有人将易燃液体倒在门上点燃。 At around 7:05 pm, a flammable liquid was poured on the door and ignited. 消防员扑灭了火焰 警探正在寻找动机的信息 Firefighters extinguished the blaze, and detectives are seeking information on the motive. 任何有详细信息或录像的人,请与警方联系,查找31/08/24的CW 1314。 Anyone with details or footage is urged to contact the police, referencing CW 1314 of 31/08/24.