Calgary's Eau Claire街区面临不确定的未来, Calgary's Eau Claire neighborhood faces uncertain future as transit project changes may halt station construction.
Calgary's Eau Claire街区正在发生拆除事件, Demolitions are happening in Calgary's Eau Claire neighborhood to prepare for a future train station as part of the Green Line transit project. 然而,艾伯塔省政府决定改变到地面之上的路线,可能会阻止该车站的建造,从而引起人们对房地产投资和邻里未来发展的关切。 However, the Alberta government's decision to change the route to above ground may prevent the station from being built, causing concerns about real estate investments and the neighborhood's future development. 城市正在审查该项目的市中心部分,这可能需要两年时间。 The city is reviewing the downtown section of the project, which could take two years.