Brantford启动了一个为期五年的市区振兴项目,从更换天然气线路开始。 Brantford launches a five-year downtown revitalization project starting with gas line replacements.
Brantford市正在启动一个市区振兴项目,目的是更新其老化的基础设施,包括下水道、水管和街头美化。 The City of Brantford is launching a downtown revitalization project aimed at upgrading its aging infrastructure, including sewers, water mains, and streetscaping. 第一阶段将持续5年。 Phase One is set to last up to five years. Enbridge Gas将首先取代主要街道上的天然气基础设施,如果天气允许,这一进程预计需要六周时间才能在春季开始全面建设。 Enbridge Gas will start by replacing natural gas infrastructure on key streets, a process expected to take six weeks, weather permitting, before full construction begins in the spring.