英国考虑根据欧盟的要求,解除对猪和家禽饲料动物蛋白质的禁令。 UK considers lifting ban on animal proteins in pig and poultry feed, aligning with EU.
联合王国环境、食品和农村事务部(Defra)正在考虑根据欧盟的做法,允许猪和家禽饲料中含有经过加工的动物蛋白质(PAP)。 The UK's Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is considering allowing processed animal proteins (PAP) in pig and poultry feed, aligning with EU practices. 在此之前进行了为期八周的协商,并禁止预防诸如疯牛病等疾病。 This follows an eight-week consultation and a ban imposed to prevent diseases like mad cow disease. Defra认为,目前的控制措施大大减少了BSE案件的数量,并在作出决定之前征求利害关系方的意见。 Defra believes current controls have significantly reduced BSE cases and is seeking stakeholder opinions before making a decision.