英国批准用于宠物食品的实验室生产的肉类,旨在削减工业的碳排放。 UK approves lab-grown meat for pet food, aiming to cut industry's carbon emissions.
联合王国已成为第一个批准用实验室生产的肉作为宠物食品的欧洲国家,目的是减少该行业的碳排放量。 The UK has become the first European country to approve lab-grown meat for pet food, aiming to reduce the industry's significant carbon emissions. 实验室培育的肉类使用在实验室中生长的收获动物细胞,比传统的肉类生产需要更少的资源。 Lab-grown meat uses harvested animal cells grown in a lab, requiring fewer resources than traditional meat production. 这一进展可能导致一个更可持续的宠物食品部门,并使联合王国成为这一新兴产业的领先者。 This advancement could lead to a more sustainable pet food sector and could position the UK as a leader in this emerging industry.