巴基斯坦商界领袖警告说,到2027年,天然气价格上涨可能威胁到该国的出口目标。 Pakistan's business leaders warn that a gas price hike could threaten the country's export goals by 2027.
巴基斯坦商业理事会已经提醒谢哈巴兹·谢里夫总理,最近国内发电厂煤气价格上涨可能危及到2027年该国600亿美元的出口目标。 The Pakistan Business Council (PBC) has alerted Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif that the recent gas price hike for in-house power plants could jeopardize the country's $60 billion export target by 2027. 天然气成本将从8.8美元增至每百万英国热器(mmBtu)15美元,使出口竞争力降低。 The cost of gas will rise to $15 per million British thermal units (mmBtu) from $8.8, making exports less competitive. 巴基斯坦50%以上的出口来自天然气燃料工厂,这种增长可能阻碍制造业的投资和增长。 Over 50% of Pakistan's exports come from gas-fueled plants, and this increase could deter investment and growth in manufacturing.