巴基斯坦的ECC提高工厂的天然气关税,但冻结国内价格。 Pakistani ECC raises gas tariff for industrial plants but freezes domestic prices.
巴基斯坦ECC已经批准将工业附属发电厂的天然气关税从每MBtu3,000卢比提高到3,500卢比,以确保2024-25财政年度天然气部门的收入。 The Pakistani ECC has approved a gas tariff increase for industrial captive power plants from Rs3,000 to Rs3,500 per MMBtu, to secure revenue for the gas sector in fiscal year 2024-25. 然而,国内消费者的天然气价格不会为避免额外的财政负担而提高。 However, gas prices for domestic consumers will not be raised to avoid additional financial burdens. 该委员会还计划对俘虏发电厂征收电网过渡税,以提高能源部门的效率。 The committee also plans to impose a grid transition levy on captive power plants to boost energy sector efficiency.