印第安纳同意公布堕胎记录,在透明度和患者隐私保护之间取得平衡。 Indiana agrees to release abortion records, balancing transparency with patient privacy protections.
印地安那卫生部已解决了与支持生命之声组织的诉讼, 同意应请求发布堕胎记录, The Indiana Health Department has settled a lawsuit with the pro-life group Voices for Life, agreeing to release abortion records upon request, reversing a previous policy of withholding them. 根据总督Mike Braun的行政命令,解决方案要求该部发布《终止妊娠报告》,同时允许进行一些编辑以保护病人身份。 The settlement, following Governor Mike Braun's executive order, requires the department to release Terminated Pregnancy Reports while allowing some redactions to protect patient identities. 支持者说,它确保州法律得到遵守,而批评者则认为它可能导致对医生和病人的骚扰。 Proponents say it ensures compliance with state laws, while critics argue it could lead to harassment of doctors and patients.