印地安那州州长签署命令,加强堕胎法,并针对保健透明度。 Indiana governor signs orders strengthening abortion laws and targeting healthcare transparency.
印第安纳州州长Mike Braun签署了几项旨在保健和堕胎政策的行政命令。 Indiana Governor Mike Braun signed several executive orders aimed at healthcare and abortion policies. 这些命令的重点是执行堕胎法,包括共享个人终止妊娠报告,以及提高医疗保健的可负担性和透明度。 The orders focus on enforcing abortion laws, including the sharing of individual terminated pregnancy reports (TPRs), and improving healthcare affordability and transparency. 拥护者团体支持这些命令,而民主党则表达了对隐私的关切。 Pro-life groups support the orders, while Democrats express privacy concerns. 这些措施还包括对保健定价和医疗补助监督进行审查。 The measures also include reviews of healthcare pricing and Medicaid oversight.