堪萨斯城和威奇托的西班牙裔企业因“没有移民的一天”而关闭,以抗议特朗普的移民政策。 Hispanic-owned businesses in Kansas City and Wichita closed for "A Day Without Immigrants" to protest Trump's immigration policies.
堪萨斯城和威奇托的西班牙裔企业周一关闭,作为名为“没有移民的一天”的全国性抗议活动的一部分,该抗议活动强调移民的经济影响并反对特朗普总统的移民政策。 Hispanic-owned businesses in Kansas City and Wichita closed on Monday as part of a nationwide protest called "A Day Without Immigrants," highlighting the economic impact of immigrants and opposing President Trump's immigration policies. 在堪萨斯城,对无证工人的突袭也导致关闭,造成了“炸玉米饼危机”。 In Kansas City, raids on undocumented workers have also led to closures, creating a "taco crisis." 抗议活动始于 2006 年,蔓延到芝加哥和洛杉矶等城市,目的是展示移民对美国经济和社会的重大贡献。 The protest, which began in 2006, spread to cities like Chicago and Los Angeles, with the goal of demonstrating the significant contributions of immigrants to the U.S. economy and society.