芝加哥活动人士抗议计划将移民驱逐到庇护所,要求长期解决方案。 Chicago activists protest planned eviction of migrants in shelters, demand long-term solutions.
芝加哥的活动人士抗议计划于 3 月 16 日驱逐在避难所居住了 60 多天的移民。 Activists in Chicago protested the planned eviction of migrants living in shelters for over 60 days, set for March 16th. 市长布兰登·约翰逊推迟了该计划,但活动人士以工作许可障碍、有限的租金援助和恶劣的住房条件为由,要求完全停止驱逐。 Mayor Brandon Johnson delayed the plan, but the activists demanded a complete end to evictions, citing barriers to work permits, limited rental assistance, and poor shelter conditions. 他们呼吁采取可持续的长期解决方案,例如为新移民提供工作许可证、住房补贴和翻译服务。 They are calling for sustainable, long-term solutions such as work permits, subsidized housing, and translation services for new arrivals.