调查发现NT警察精英单位过去存在种族主义,但2015年后没有持续的问题。 Inquiry finds past racism in NT police elite unit but no ongoing issues post-2015.
北部地区警察部队精英单位内部对种族主义的调查发现了过去歧视的证据,但2015年以后没有持续的问题。 An investigation into racism within the Northern Territory police force's elite unit found evidence of past discrimination but no ongoing issues after 2015. 调查是在前警察Zachary Rolfe指控种族偏见之后启动的,调查结论是,没有可受理的证据可以进一步提出指控。 Launched after former constable Zachary Rolfe accused the force of racial bias, the inquiry concluded there was no admissible evidence to warrant further charges. 警察专员已经道歉,并正在采取步骤解决种族主义问题。 The police commissioner has apologized and is taking steps to address racism.