在不列颠哥伦比亚州维多利亚州,五年多来,17%的警察使用武力事件涉及土著人。 Indigenous people were involved in 17% of police use-of-force incidents in Victoria, BC, over five years.
不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚警察局公布的数据显示,2018年至2023年期间,17%的使用武力事件涉及土著人民,尽管占当地人口的比例不到5%。 The Victoria Police Department in British Columbia has released data showing that Indigenous people were involved in 17% of use-of-force incidents between 2018 and 2023, despite making up less than 5% of the local population. 根据该省人权专员的命令公布的数据没有区分所使用的武力类型或情况。 The data, released in response to an order by the province's Human Rights Commissioner, does not differentiate between types of force used or the circumstances. 专员办公室正在调查警方使用武力的情况,并计划在今年晚些时候公布调查结果。 The Commissioner’s office is conducting an inquiry into police use of force and plans to release findings later this year.