Vial and Burns否认谋杀指控, 声称Wilkin在爱尔兰悬崖附近离开时还活着。 Vial and Burns deny murder charges, claiming Wilkin was alive when they left him near cliffs in Ireland.
39岁的Alan Vial和39岁的Nikita Burns, 两人被控谋杀66岁的Robert Robin Wilkin, 声称Wilkin在爱尔兰Sliabh Liag悬崖边缘离开时还活着, Alan Vial, 39, and Nikita Burns, both accused of murdering 66-year-old Robert 'Robin' Wilkin, claim Wilkin was alive when they left him near the edge of Sliabh Liag cliffs in Ireland. 威尔金的尸体在八天后被发现 在下面的水中, 维亚尔指出,这是具有讽刺意味的, 威尔金“总是想被葬在海里”。 Wilkin's body was found eight days later in the water below, which Vial noted was ironic as Wilkin "always wanted to be buried at sea." 两人都否认谋杀指控,声称Wilkin在战斗中头部严重受伤,但在他们离开时呼吸。 Both deny the murder charges, stating Wilkin had severe head injuries from a fight but was breathing when they departed. 审判仍在进行。 The trial is ongoing.