Nikita Burns作证说 她无法阻止她的搭档Alan Vial 谋杀Robin Wilkin 他的尸体在海上被发现 Nikita Burns testifies she couldn't stop her partner Alan Vial from murdering Robin Wilkin, whose body was found in the sea.
23岁的Nikita Burns 和39岁的Alan Vial 因谋杀66岁的Robert "Robin" Wilkin 在爱尔兰的Donegal县受审 Nikita Burns, 23, and Alan Vial, 39, are on trial for the murder of 66-year-old Robert "Robin" Wilkin in County Donegal, Ireland. Burns作证说,她无法阻止Vial攻击Wilkin。 Burns testified that she was unable to stop Vial from attacking Wilkin. 她的兄弟说,她发了信息,表明她帮助清理了袭击发生地点的汽车。 Her brother stated she sent messages indicating she helped clean the car where the assault occurred. Wilkin的尸体是在他失踪8天后 在Slieve联盟悬崖附近的海中被发现的 Wilkin's body was found in the sea near Slieve League cliffs eight days after he went missing. 审判仍在进行。 The trial is ongoing.