威斯康辛敦促居民在风险日益增大和等待30天的等待期内获得洪水保险。 Wisconsin urges residents to get flood insurance amid growing risk and 30-day waiting period.
在威斯康辛州防洪保险意识周期间,国家国家减灾局突出强调了日益严重的洪水风险和适当的洪水保险的必要性。 During Flood Insurance Awareness Week in Wisconsin, the state's DNR highlights the growing flood risk and the necessity of proper flood insurance. 大多数标准保险单不涵盖洪水损害,联邦洪水保险通过国家洪水保险计划为财产提供,包括特别洪水危险地区以外的财产。 Most standard insurance policies don't cover flood damage, and federal flood insurance is available through the NFIP for properties, including those outside Special Flood Hazard Areas. 大约40%的NFIP索赔来自这些地区以外。 About 40% of NFIP claims come from outside these areas. 居民在等待30天后,被要求在春季前报名。 With a 30-day waiting period, residents are urged to sign up before spring. 对于高风险地区的抵押房产,所有业主都必须考虑其洪水风险。 Mandatory for mortgaged properties in high-risk zones, all owners are advised to consider their flood risks.