新加坡拨款1.1亿美元,用于新的排水项目,以防治日益严重的暴洪。 Singapore allocates US$110 million for new drainage projects to combat increasing flash floods.
新加坡将在2025年投资1.5亿新元(1亿1千万新元)用于6个新的排水系统改造项目,以缓解1月份暴雨和局部水灾之后的暴洪。 Singapore will invest S$150 million (US$110 million) in six new drainage upgrading projects in 2025 to mitigate flash floods, following heavy rainfall and localized flooding in January. 自2011年以来,已投资25亿新元用于排水基础设施。 Since 2011, S$2.5 billion has been invested in drainage infrastructure. Grace Fu部长警告不要因土地有限而无限期扩张,并敦促政府、建筑所有者、开发商和社区分担责任。 Minister Grace Fu warned against indefinite expansion due to limited land and urged shared responsibility among government, building owners, developers, and the community. 大多数洪水事件是局部性的,在1小时内平息。 Most flooding incidents are localized and subside within an hour.