马来西亚为西布防洪项目拨款2.68亿林吉特, Malaysia allocates RM268 million for Sibu Flood Mitigation Project to protect residents from flooding.
马来西亚西布将从联邦政府获得2.68亿令吉,用于其防洪项目, Sibu, Malaysia, will receive RM268 million from the federal government for its Flood Mitigation Project, which aims to protect residents from flooding. 沙捞越州政府还批准了1.2亿林吉特用于该项目第四阶段。 The Sarawak state government has also approved RM120 million for the project’s fourth phase. 该倡议在早期阶段已经使10 000多名居民受益,其中包括改善排水和维护资金,以加强该地区的抗洪能力。 The initiative, which has already benefitted over 10,000 residents through its earlier phases, includes improvements to drainage and maintenance funding to enhance flood resilience in the area.