新法案旨在允许特朗普制裁外国政府和协助非法移民的走私者。 New bill aims to let Trump sanction foreign governments and smugglers aiding illegal immigration.
两位参议员提出法案「STOP MaDNES法案」, 允许特朗普总统对协助非法移民入境美国的外国政府和实体实施经济制裁。 Two senators have introduced a bill, the 'STOP MADNESS Act,' which would allow President Trump to impose economic sanctions on foreign governments and entities that facilitate illegal immigration into the US. 该法案针对的国家是拒绝接受非法进入美国的本国公民和参与人口走私的个人。 The bill targets countries refusing to accept their citizens who have entered the US unlawfully and individuals involved in human smuggling. 它授权总统根据IEPA冻结资产和交易,并要求报告所采取的行动。 It authorizes the president to block assets and transactions under the IEEPA, with a requirement for a report on actions taken.