爱尔兰调查显示,27%的成年人储蓄超过收入的10%,大多数计划储蓄更多。 Irish survey reveals 27% of adults save over 10% of income, with most planning to save more.
爱尔兰信用社教师工会的一项调查显示,27%的爱尔兰成年人储蓄了10%以上的收入,11%的储蓄超过20%。 A survey by the Teachers' Union of Ireland Credit Union shows that 27% of Irish adults save more than 10% of their income, with 11% saving over 20%. 大约54%计划在未来两年增加储蓄,只有4%计划减少储蓄。 About 54% plan to increase savings in the next two years, while only 4% plan to decrease. 随着银行削减储蓄账户利率,信用社CEO Paul Roche强调储蓄对长期金融复原力的重要性。 With banks cutting interest rates on savings accounts, Credit Union CEO Paul Roche stresses the importance of saving for long-term financial resilience.