65%的美国人计划金融新年决议, 79%的美国人在担心通货膨胀的情况下, 专注于紧急储蓄。 65% of Americans plan financial New Year's resolutions, with 79% focusing on emergency savings amid inflation fears.
新年,65%的美国人 计划财务决议, 79%的美国人 的目标是在通货膨胀的担忧下 建立紧急储蓄。 For the New Year, 65% of Americans plan financial resolutions, with 79% aiming to build emergency savings amid inflation worries. 专家们建议制定现实、具体的目标,跟踪支出情况,削减非基本开支,并通过附带工作或投资增加收入。 Experts recommend setting realistic, specific goals, tracking spending, cutting non-essential expenses, and increasing income through side gigs or investments. 实现储蓄自动化和定期审查预算也是关键。 Automating savings and regularly reviewing budgets are also key. 顾问们建议将重点放在可实现的步骤和长期金融健康上,例如提高信用分数和保护资金免遭身份盗窃。 Advisors suggest focusing on achievable steps and long-term financial health, like improving credit scores and protecting finances from identity theft.