DoveLewis扩大波特兰诊所,将空间增加一倍,并增加先进设备以改善宠物护理。 DoveLewis expands Portland clinic, doubling space and adding advanced equipment to improve pet care.
波特兰兽医诊所DoveLewis已经扩大,新建了30 000平方英尺的设施,使临床空间翻了一番。 DoveLewis, a Portland veterinary clinic, has expanded with a new 30,000-square-foot facility that doubles its clinical space. 新大楼包括先进的X光和核磁共振机、更多的检查室和外科套房,旨在缩短等待时间和提高护理质量。 The new building includes advanced X-ray and MRI machines, more exam rooms, and surgery suites, aiming to reduce wait times and improve care quality. 在捐赠和社区支助的资助下,这项扩展增加了神经学、放射学和内科专家,使宠物护理更接近人类保健标准。 Funded by donations and community support, the expansion adds specialists in neurology, radiology, and internal medicine, aligning pet care closer to human healthcare standards.