拉斯维加斯和洛杉矶的动物收容所报告说,接收人数在增加,在筹资和过度拥挤方面有挑战。 Animal shelters in Las Vegas and Los Angeles report rising intakes, with challenges in funding and overcrowding.
2024年,拉斯维加斯动物基金会的动物摄入量增加了18%,损失病例和发现病例以及胎儿摄入量显著增加。 The Animal Foundation in Las Vegas saw an 18% increase in animal intake in 2024, with a significant rise in lost and found cases and feline admissions. 尽管收养人数有所增加,但收养人数也有所增加,收容所推出了一些新举措,如小猫托儿所和7天热线电话。 Despite the increase, adoptions have also risen, and the shelter has introduced new initiatives like a kitten nursery and a 7-day hotline. 然而,年度会议讨论了诸如过度拥挤、筹资和等待时间长等问题。 However, issues such as overcrowding, funding, and long wait times were discussed at the annual meeting. 在洛杉矶,动物收容所系统面临资金不足和人手不足的问题,导致人们呼吁增加支付和净化方案以及更多的寄养支助。 In Los Angeles, the animal shelter system faces underfunding and understaffing, leading to calls for increased spay and neuter programs and more support for foster care.