克罗地亚的通胀率高达5.0%,是十个月来最高的,受关键领域成本上涨的驱动。 Croatia's inflation hits 5.0%, its highest in ten months, driven by rising costs in key areas.
2025年1月,据欧统局统计,克罗地亚的通货膨胀率在十个月中达到最高水平,达到5.0%。 In January 2025, Croatia saw its highest inflation rate in ten months, reaching 5.0%, according to Eurostat. 这一增长与12月的4.5%相比有所增加,原因是服务、食品、饮料、烟草和能源费用增加。 This rise, up from 4.5% in December, was driven by increased costs in services, food, beverages, tobacco, and energy. 消费价格指数逐年上涨4.0%,是2024年3月以来最高的。 The consumer price index rose 4.0% year-on-year, marking the highest since March 2024. 与此同时,斯洛伐克的通货膨胀率居第二位,为4.1%,而斯洛文尼亚、希腊和塞浦路斯分别为2.3%、3.1%和3.0%。 Meanwhile, Slovakia had the second-highest inflation rate at 4.1%, while Slovenia, Greece, and Cyprus had lower rates of 2.3%, 3.1%, and 3.0%, respectively. 服务继续驱动欧元区各地的通货膨胀。 Services continued to drive inflation across the euro area.