旁遮普邦的记者指称德里警察在选举期间非法拘留;向选举委员会提出申诉。 Punjab journalists allege illegal detention by Delhi Police during election coverage; complaint filed with Election Commission.
旁遮普省Vidhan Sabha的记者画廊委员会向首席选举专员提出申诉,指控德里警察在报道即将举行的德里议会选举期间非法拘留五名旁遮普省记者。 The Punjab Vidhan Sabha's Press Gallery Committee has complained to the Chief Election Commissioner about the alleged illegal detention of five Punjab journalists by the Delhi Police during coverage of the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. 记者被拘押在Tughlaq警察局过夜,导致旁遮普记者画廊委员会和其他记者机构予以谴责。 The journalists were detained overnight at Tughlaq Police Station, leading to condemnations from the Punjab Press Gallery Committee and other journalist bodies. 他们要求对涉案警官采取行动。 They demand action against the police officers involved. 与此同时,Arvind Kejriwal批评德里警察和选举委员会被指控的虐待,敦促选举进程保持透明和诚信。 Meanwhile, Arvind Kejriwal criticized the Delhi Police and Election Commission over the alleged mistreatment, urging for transparency and integrity in the electoral process.