印度2025年德里议会选举的选举被指控为假投票和压制选民. Allegations of fake voting and voter suppression mar India's 2025 Delhi Assembly elections.
在2025年德里议会选举期间,在几个领域出现了有关虚假投票和镇压选民的指控。 During the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections, allegations of fake voting and voter suppression emerged in several areas. 在Seelampur, BJP指控在Burqas的人企图进行欺诈性投票,但警察否认这些说法。 In Seelampur, BJP accused people in burqas of attempting fraudulent voting, but police denied these claims. 在Kasturba Nagar,有两个人试图投假票而被抓获。 In Kasturba Nagar, two individuals were caught trying to cast fake votes. 同时,AAP指控德里警方封锁选民并分配钱财来影响选举,但警方否认这些指控。 Meanwhile, AAP accused the Delhi Police of blocking voters and distributing money to influence the election, but police denied these allegations. 选民投票率为19.95%,每天上午11点,东北区的投票率最高。 Voter turnout was 19.95% by 11 am, with the highest turnout in the North East district. 选举涉及AAP、BJP和国会,AAP旨在保留权力,BJP谋求重新夺回权力,国会希望获得席位。 The elections involve the AAP, BJP, and Congress, with the AAP aiming to retain power, BJP seeking to regain it, and Congress hoping to secure seats.