巴基斯坦警方使用催泪瓦斯驱散前领导人伊姆兰·汗支持者的选举前集会。 Pakistani police use tear gas to disperse pre-election rally by supporters of former leader Imran Khan.
距全国议会选举不到两周,巴基斯坦警方在巴基斯坦卡拉奇使用催泪瓦斯驱散前总理伊姆兰·汗的支持者。 Pakistani police used tear gas to disperse supporters of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Karachi, Pakistan, less than two weeks before a national parliamentary election. 集会上约有 20 至 30 人被捕,其中汗党的十几名工人因袭击警察和堵塞道路而被捕。 Around 20-30 people were arrested at the rally, with a dozen workers from Khan's party arrested for attacking officers and blocking the road. 汗没有参加 2 月 8 日选举的投票,但由于他的草根追随者和反建制言论,他仍然是一股强大的政治力量。 Khan, who is not on the ballot for the Feb. 8 election, remains a potent political force due to his grassroots following and anti-establishment rhetoric. 他声称针对他的法律案件是一个让他边缘化的阴谋。 He claims the legal cases against him were a plot to sideline him.