菲律宾宣布,尽管全球稻米价格下跌,但粮食安全仍面临紧急状况,因为大米价格居高不下。 Philippines declares food security emergency over high rice prices, despite global drops.
菲律宾政府宣布为粮食安全紧急事件, 解决大米价格暴涨, 尽管全球价格下跌及关税降低, The Philippine government declared a food security emergency to address soaring rice prices, despite global price drops and tariff reductions. 此举使国家粮食管理局能够释放缓冲库存,以稳定价格,确保消费者仍然能够获得大米。 This move allows the release of buffer stocks by the National Food Authority to stabilize prices and ensure rice remains accessible to consumers. 紧急状态将一直有效,直到价格情况好转为止。 The emergency will stay in effect until the price situation improves. 政府亦打算在全国推广Nueva Ecija成功稻米生产模式, The government also aims to replicate Nueva Ecija's successful rice production model across the country to boost yields and food security.