新年夏威夷烟火爆炸造成五人死亡, 斐济面临超过一千例新病例, New Year's fireworks explosion in Hawaii kills five, while Fiji faces HIV outbreak with over 1000 new cases.
斐济的顶尖检察官克里斯托弗·普赖德(Christopher Pryde)在威胁中延缓他的返回, 而夏威夷则看到在新年烟火爆炸中逮捕了10人, Fiji's top prosecutor, Christopher Pryde, delays his return amid threats, while Hawaii sees arrests rise to 10 in a New Year's fireworks explosion that killed five. 新西兰海军开始了燃料回收行动的第二阶段,时限不确定。 New Zealand's navy begins a second phase of a fuel recovery operation, with an uncertain timeline. 采矿公司敦促加快采用针对7月的深海采矿监管办法。 Mining firms urge faster deep sea mining regulation adoption, targeting July. 卫生官员警告有关斐济爆发艾滋病毒的警告,据报有1 000多例新病例,对太平洋地区构成威胁。 Health officials warn of a concerning HIV outbreak in Fiji, with over 1000 new cases reported, posing a risk to the Pacific region.