印度以健康风险为由,证实每周最高工作时间不超过70或90小时,没有增加。 India confirms no increase in maximum weekly working hours to 70 or 90, citing health risks.
印度政府已确认,尽管一些公司领导人提出建议,印度政府不会将每周最高工作时间提高到70或90小时。 The Indian government has confirmed it will not increase the maximum weekly working hours to 70 or 90, despite suggestions from some corporate leaders. 劳动和就业国务部长Shobha Karandlaje指出,州政府执行的现行劳动法已经对工作时间和加班作了规定。 The Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Shobha Karandlaje, stated that current labour laws, enforced by state governments, already regulate working hours and overtime. 一项预算前经济调查指出,每周工作60小时以上可能损害健康和心理健康。 A pre-Budget Economic Survey noted that working over 60 hours a week can harm health and mental well-being.